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what the


ok thats really good

Loved this. Very smart little experience and one I have instantly shared everywhere I can to my friends.

Is there a place I can send a couple of quid? 
I appreciate it's free and I'm also not made of money but I feel it deserves it (that I really enjoyed Ynglet and am sure I got that in a bundle for pennies.

(3 edits)

Hey! Thank you so much for wanting to support us! Unfortunately I don't have it set up right now, but I'm going to look into making it an option for my next game. Keep an eye out for that!

This is genius I love it :D innovative and fun! Nifflas strikes again

Aw, thanks! It was so much fun to make!

Wich game editor did u use?

It looks unity

Yeah, it's Unity! Been using it for a decade or so now

Thank you very much. I apologise for the delay in getting back to you btw.

Incredible, as usual. Thank you Nifflas <3


Absolutely loved this.  Did not expect the twist and had a huge smile on my face when that happened.  Such a fantastic idea and really well executed all around

Thank you! It was super fun for us to make, and very new territory for me!


Just played a session. Ultimately just a gimmick, but a bizarrely amusing one. The lack of gamepad controls is a bit surprising, but the game doesn't exactly have a complex control scheme, so it's not much work for me to map it to the right keyboard buttons.


I was really hoping for a simple fun neon platformer, but the creativity here is above and beyond, the plot twists and story along with how the game is played is so unexpectedly amazing


Liked the game but I wish there was an option to turn the streamer thing off. Absolutly annoying

(2 edits)

But there is such an option, called "High Score" mode, which unlocks after you've played through it one time.


wouldve loved it before the "Story Mode" it really turned me away from the game wouldve loved to play it

(1 edit) (+1)

Many other seem to like what we did. But, there's no way to make a thing that every person ever likes, and that's OK. This is the game we wanted to make.

And that is okay and I support that I just wanted to comment my opinion.
I really like the game and I wish you luck with your next titles

Thank you :)

thats beautifull


I expected fun platforming and adaptive music, and I got exactly that. But I wasn't expecting... this! It's so surprising, clever and fun. Well done, this was incredible.

I'm so glad you liked it!

Nifflas are you kidding me?? did not expect THAT at all and absolutely loved it!!! telling about this game to my friends asap

I'm glad you liked it! It was really fun to try to pull this off.

This is absolutely amazing!

It was weird but fun) It was like I was a trapped spirit in a game, but it's not horror. I want more ;-;

Yeah, I think we wanted to lean more into the territory of the absurd than the scary. I've always liked recursive shenanigans.


very weir


Seems fun

that was incredibly bizarre, but I can't say it wasn't fun and charming. Super interesting little game!

(1 edit) (+1)

Man you're a genius. I really loved Ynglet, this takes things to a whone new level !

Thank you for playing it!

(1 edit)

Okay that was really good.
the execution is on point

(1 edit)

Totally loved this, it somehow manages to land all the aspects without undermining itself

Really a brilliant little game!

It just shows a blank dark green screen for me:

(4 edits)

Edit: This is now fixed in version 1.0.4

Weird! That means something must be throwing an exception while loading the game, but it's getting enough into the loading to start rendering the background color. I could get an idea of what went wrong if you press Win+R, paste in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Nifflas' Games\Xenosphere - the last bunch of lines of Player.log will probably contain information about what happened, the info will probably begin with the word "Exception" but I'm not 100% certain

One thing that might fix it is installing the latest Visual C++ Redistributable from (the X64 version)

Here's my Player.log:  xenosphere - I installed the redistributable but no joy I'm afraid

(8 edits)

I've fixed it now and uploaded a new version: 1.0.4, which you can download on this page!

The explanation for the bug is, before I fixed it just now, my adaptive music software opened instruments with read/write access instead of just read access, which means the OS denies access since the "Program Files" directory is protected. Most people probably ran it from the desktop or download folder, which is why they weren't affected.

Thank you so much for giving me this log data! This has been helpful in a very big way, especially since this is a mistake in code I use in multiple projects.

It's working now! My already high estimation of you just went up a further notch, thank you!

This is great! best short game experience I've played for ages.

(1 edit)

Hey, I downloaded it but its stuttering too hard for me to play. Any idea what is causing that? - EDIT - was playing it on a 4k display and it didn't like that. lowered the resolution and it ran great.

That was stunning. Thank you for this. 

(2 edits)

Thank you! I wonder how it gets so expensive on 4K, maybe it's because I went for the highest bloom setting? I might look into that. I have no 4K monitor tho.

Hey, too cool😎

The timing of everything is so great and natural! Really enjoyed the experience and it never felt repetitive even when I kept failing jumps :)
Love visuals & the music too.

(1 edit)

Thank you! Yeah, the work to get that to feel natural was one of the biggest challenges with making this! Neila and Alistair were amazingly good and I'm very happy how it turned out.

i don’t think i’ve experienced a game quite like this before - fantastic work! and i really loved the adaptive music!

Thank you :) Yeah, I really intend to continue digging into the adaptive music thing!

so cool!   can't wait to take it for a... spin!  :)


Nice one :D

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